San Giovanni Valdarno and Cortona

Landscape of Cortona, Valdarno We propose a route tourist art, in particular the great Renaissance artist Fra Angelico. The areas affected are the small town of San Giovanni Valdarno and Cortona, through the Valdichiana.

To begin advise tourists visiting the museum Santa Maria delle Grazie, which houses a beautiful table depicting the Annunciation, one of the most beautiful paintings of the artist and evocative Florentine. This beautiful opera dates back to 1430-1432, once kept in the Franciscan convent Montecarlo, near San Giovanni.

The second stage continues to Arezzo, along the SR 69 and onto SR 71 will arrive in Cortona, an ancient Etruscan city.

A Cortona stand out immediately the eye of tourists the ancient walls of the fifth century BC
Visiting the town, tourists will be immersed in an environment still full of spirits medieval alleyways small features, churches San Francisco and San Domenico, Palazzo Comunale and the magnificent Palazzo Casali.

The focus of the visit to Cortona is reflected in the Diocesan Museum, a true treasure who keeps careful diligence with the works of Fra Angelico. Inside, in the great hall that once was the baptistery of the church of Jesus on which now stands the museum, are preserved two beautiful tables Artist Florentine:

  • The Annunciation
  • Madonna with Child and Four Saints

Both works have been carried out on commission of the church of San Domenico between 1434 and 1438, in particular the Annunciation follows in the footsteps of the Masaccio, on the contrary kept the Annunciation in San Giovanni Valdarno, where the artist seems be linked more to Masolino.